recently i created a plugin where when a player says !support, it will show a notification and fire a seperate system outside of the admin command system that will teleport an admin to help them, but when i do the !support command, i have to say !support me for it to work while i just want to say !support.
if anyone could help i’d be very appreciative.
thanks, and heres my code.
/\ _`\ __
\ \ \L\ \ __ ____/\_\ ___
\ \ _ <' /'__`\ /',__\/\ \ /'___\
\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_/\__, `\ \ \/\ \__/
\ \____/\ \__/.\_\/\____/\ \_\ \____\
\/___/ \/__/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/____/
Admin Essentials v2
Plugin Documentation
*coming soon^tm
If you have any questions regarding Plugins, contact TheFurryFish.
local Plugin = function(…)
local Data = {…}
-- Included Functions and Info --
local remoteEvent = Data[1][1]
local remoteFunction = Data[1][2]
local returnPermissions = Data[1][3]
local Commands = Data[1][4]
local Prefix = Data[1][5]
local actionPrefix = Data[1][6]
local returnPlayers = Data[1][7]
local cleanData = Data[1][8] -- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,Data)
-- Practical example, for a gui specifically for a player, from another player
-- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,"hi") -- You need receiver because it's being sent to everyone
-- Or for a broadcast (something everyone sees, from one person, to nobody specific)
-- cleanData(Sender,nil,"hi") -- Receiver is nil because it is a broadcast
-- Plugin Configuration --
local pluginName = 'support'
local pluginPrefix = actionPrefix
local pluginLevel = 1
local pluginUsage = "" -- leave blank if the command has no arguments
local pluginDescription = "Call for an admins support."
-- Example Plugin Function --
local function pluginFunction(Args) -- keep the name of the function as "pluginFunction"
local Player = Args[1]
if Args[3] then
local Victims = returnPlayers(Player, Args[3]) if not Victims then return end
local combinedVictims = ''
for a,b in pairs(Victims) do
if combinedVictims == '' then
combinedVictims = b.Name
combinedVictims = combinedVictims..', '..b.Name
for a,b in next,Victims do
remoteEvent:FireClient(b,'Notif','Mocha Administration','Secuessfully called for support.',{'Message','Results',combinedVictims})
-- Return Everything to the MainModule --
local descToReturn
if pluginUsage ~= "" then
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..' '..pluginUsage..'\n'..pluginDescription
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..'\n'..pluginDescription
return pluginName,pluginFunction,pluginLevel,pluginPrefix,{pluginName,pluginUsage,plug
/\ _`\ __
\ \ \L\ \ __ ____/\_\ ___
\ \ _ <' /'__`\ /',__\/\ \ /'___\
\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_/\__, `\ \ \/\ \__/
\ \____/\ \__/.\_\/\____/\ \_\ \____\
\/___/ \/__/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/____/
Admin Essentials v2
Plugin Documentation
*coming soon^tm
If you have any questions regarding Plugins, contact TheFurryFish.
local Plugin = function(…)
local Data = {…}
-- Included Functions and Info --
local remoteEvent = Data[1][1]
local remoteFunction = Data[1][2]
local returnPermissions = Data[1][3]
local Commands = Data[1][4]
local Prefix = Data[1][5]
local actionPrefix = Data[1][6]
local returnPlayers = Data[1][7]
local cleanData = Data[1][8] -- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,Data)
-- Practical example, for a gui specifically for a player, from another player
-- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,"hi") -- You need receiver because it's being sent to everyone
-- Or for a broadcast (something everyone sees, from one person, to nobody specific)
-- cleanData(Sender,nil,"hi") -- Receiver is nil because it is a broadcast
-- Plugin Configuration --
local pluginName = 'support'
local pluginPrefix = actionPrefix
local pluginLevel = 1
local pluginUsage = "" -- leave blank if the command has no arguments
local pluginDescription = "Call for an admins support."
-- Example Plugin Function --
local function pluginFunction(Args) -- keep the name of the function as "pluginFunction"
local Player = Args[1]
remoteEvent:FireClient(b,'Notif','Mocha Administration','Secuessfully called for support.',{'Message','Results',combinedVictims})
-- Return Everything to the MainModule --
local descToReturn
if pluginUsage ~= "" then
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..' '..pluginUsage..'\n'..pluginDescription
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..'\n'..pluginDescription
return pluginName,pluginFunction,pluginLevel,pluginPrefix,{pluginName,pluginUsage,plug
one more question, do you know how to make it included in the plugin where it calls the admin? i couldn’t figure that out either. i can litterly edit the ui and thats it lol
You need a basic understanding of scripting in order to at least know what you’re seeing. I think making your own admin is easier than Admin Essentials imo
About the part where it calls the admin, regular Basic Admin doesn’t support commands like that. You’ll want to check out other more advanced admin systems such as Commander (just the first one that came to mind) to do that (provided out-of the box). If you prefer Basic Admin Essentials enough, you may consider just forking the module to provide the functionality you desire (although this is hard, you’ll have to change >100 lines of code prolly).
hey there, i actually switched over to commander due to your recommendation, and im super glad! i didn’t know if you knew how to set it up with group ranks? if you can i’d love your help! thanks
thanks! i couldn’t find the documentation for the life of me, for some reason i pasted in what that said (which was the same as what you said) and it worked, no clue why but thank you!