Basic admin essentials plugin help

hi everyone. i’m currently in the process of scripting a cafe game, and was wondering how i can make a plugin that connects to basic admin essentials where if a player thats a certain rank (junior barista+) can say !help/!support or something like that and it will call for an admin thats in the game, and if theres no admin, it will notify them as so.

i want the plugin to be able to connect to basic admin essentials (Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 - Roblox)

i know almost nothing about scripting so if theres any person out there willing to help me, i’d be overjoyed!

thank you!


I have seen a lot of people attempt to achieve this; however, none of them has been successful from what I’ve seen so far. The reason being that you have to fork the main module which can be really complicated since you need to add a whole chunk of code and also edit the essentials code.

If you know how to utilize remote events, then I highly suggest make your own system instead of trying to connect it to Basic Admin Essentials.

thanks for ur response but like i said i litterly have 0 experience coding, but thank you for your help!

actually i have a question. i’m gonna use the example plugin and make it have the same command as another support command i’m using

anyway, do u know how to make it so when i say !support i dont have to say !support me?

would really appreciate ur help, heres my script if your able to assist.

	/\  _`\                    __           
	\ \ \L\ \     __      ____/\_\    ___   
	 \ \  _ <'  /'__`\   /',__\/\ \  /'___\ 
	  \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_/\__, `\ \ \/\ \__/ 
	   \ \____/\ \__/.\_\/\____/\ \_\ \____\
	    \/___/  \/__/\/_/\/___/  \/_/\/____/
	Admin Essentials v2
	Plugin Documentation
	*coming soon^tm
	If you have any questions regarding Plugins, contact TheFurryFish.

local Plugin = function(...)
	local Data = {...}
	-- Included Functions and Info --
	local remoteEvent = Data[1][1]
	local remoteFunction = Data[1][2]
	local returnPermissions = Data[1][3]
	local Commands = Data[1][4]
	local Prefix = Data[1][5]
	local actionPrefix = Data[1][6]
	local returnPlayers = Data[1][7]
	local cleanData = Data[1][8] -- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,Data)
	-- Practical example, for a gui specifically for a player, from another player
	-- cleanData(Sender,Receiver,"hi") -- You need receiver because it's being sent to everyone
	-- Or for a broadcast (something everyone sees, from one person, to nobody specific)
	-- cleanData(Sender,nil,"hi") -- Receiver is nil because it is a broadcast
	-- Plugin Configuration --
	local pluginName = 'support'
	local pluginPrefix = actionPrefix
	local pluginLevel = 1
	local pluginUsage = "" -- leave blank if the command has no arguments
	local pluginDescription = "Call for an admins support."
	-- Example Plugin Function --
	local function pluginFunction(Args) -- keep the name of the function as "pluginFunction"
		local Player = Args[1]
		if Args[3] then
			local Victims = returnPlayers(Player, Args[3]) if not Victims then return end
			local combinedVictims = ''
			for a,b in pairs(Victims) do
				if combinedVictims == '' then
					combinedVictims = b.Name
					combinedVictims = combinedVictims..', '..b.Name
			for a,b in next,Victims do
				remoteEvent:FireClient(b,'Notif','Mocha Administration','Secuessfully called for support.',{'Message','Results',combinedVictims})
	-- Return Everything to the MainModule --
	local descToReturn
	if pluginUsage ~= "" then
		descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..' '..pluginUsage..'\n'..pluginDescription
		descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..'\n'..pluginDescription
	return pluginName,pluginFunction,pluginLevel,pluginPrefix,{pluginName,pluginUsage,pluginDescription}

return Plugin
local CMDS = {
	["!help"] = function(Player:Player?)
			-- do stuff
		local Command = Message:lower():split(" ")
		if Whitelist[Command[1]] == true then
			Reason = Command

hey thanks for your response, is this the basic admin module?

No this is just a simple module that uses .Chatted()

ok thank you! appreciate your help

Sorry for the delayed response, I noticed that someone already replied but if you still want the basic admin plugin version, you need to replace:

local Player = Args[1]
		if Args[3] then
			local Victims = returnPlayers(Player, Args[3]) if not Victims then return end
			local combinedVictims = ''
			for a,b in pairs(Victims) do
				if combinedVictims == '' then
					combinedVictims = b.Name
					combinedVictims = combinedVictims..', '..b.Name
			for a,b in next,Victims do
				remoteEvent:FireClient(b,'Notif','Mocha Administration','Secuessfully called for support.',{'Message','Results',combinedVictims})


remoteEvent:FireClient(Player,'Notif','Mocha Administration','Successfully called for support.',{'Message','Results',combinedVictims})```

Hi! If you need more help/assistance with this please let me know!

hey there im sorry, i completely forgot to mark it as solved. I switched to another admin system thats slightly easier to use (atleast for me) since basic admin also hasn’t been updated since 2019/2020. thanks for responding though!

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