Basic Admin Essentials Plugin Help

Yes, I was wondering if it’s possible for a hint to be displayed on everyone’s screens until someone with admin clears it away (with “:clr” command) or players click to dismiss it.

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It is not possible without forking the module, sorry.

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Is this the wait time that it til be when the Command is executed? I’m also trying to make a Command which runs M’s multiple times. But, how do I make it wait until the M is done? The (#hintBodyText) thing doesn’t work for me. It just underlines with red. What to do? If that’s the answer.

I also have another question.
So, am I able to run a command such as Slock at the same time? So that it slocks the server and does the M’s?

And… I also have a third question.
So, am I able to PM a group of Admins. Such as ‘mods’?

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Wdym by not possible without forking the module?

I think he means you would have to somehow get the main module from the require code which is almost impossible and doing so could get you banned. :ok_hand:

  1. It is possible, the module is open-sourced.
  2. You won’t get banned.

The downside of forking it is you have to manually update it.

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Did Frappe fork the module? It seems a bit more different than other games that use BA.

I believe they have made their own admin system. Either way, you will have to create your own or fork the BAE module.

Could you show me an example of how I would write that out?
Thank you for your help by the way.

If you are gonna make your own, you will have to understand about tweening. You will also have to filter the message, the most important thing! This is because you will show your message to the whole server.

Oops, I apologize for the misunderstanding.

I was replying to one of your earlier responses, apologies for not getting back to you earlier. Here’s what I am talking about:

If you could show me an example of how I would write out, that would be great. I tried doing it and it wouldn’t work:

local cmd1 = "!session"
local cmd2 = "!nosession"
    local pluginFunction = function(Args)
	local Player = Args[1]
		remoteEvent:FireClient(Player, 'List', 'Host Commands', true, true, cmd1, cmd2)

Is it possible to make a :n command? Here’s how it will work:

Player does :n (text)

It will display a PM that will automatically open and players can’t reply to it.

It will stay on their screen until they X out.

If it is not possible, that is ok.

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Ngl, I think you guys should create your own threads rather than asking in here. The thing is that this thread is meant to help whoever created it. Some of you are asking things that are not 100% out of topic, but still useless to the current thread, and overall, not helpful to msami7893.

But to respond, you can have something like that as your plugin function:

	local function pluginFunction(Args) -- keep the name of the function as "pluginFunction"
		local Player = Args[1]
		if not Args[4] then
		local Victims = returnPlayers(Player, Args[3])
		if not Victims then
		local text = {}
		for Index, Argument in pairs(Args) do
			if Index > 3 then
				table.insert(text, Argument)
		text = table.concat(text, " ")
		for _, Victim in pairs(Victims) do
			local filteredText = cleanData(Player, Victim, text)
			remoteEvent:FireClient(Victim, "PM", Player.Name, filteredText , false))

You should end up having something like that:

If you’re using a custom module that isn’t recent, it might not work.


Hey there!

Thanks for being respective to me opening the thread, it’s honestly fine as this thread will be a big help to all. It was really helping me and @SimplyUnexistable as we were working on an interview center together at his group until I was fired but that’s not my point.

So then everyone else saw the thread and got help, which makes this a really big resource. I might get permission from the main people on this thread to make a community resource for groups looking for the same type of custom commands ETC.


It wouldn’t work because you included a string, you need to make a table and then the content of the list.

I’m on mobile so it’s a pain to repost it, but if you scroll up some, I posted the code for doing that.

I’m not familiar with tables, so I’m not sure how to create one.

Relating to this thread can you make a :setmessage command? It will display as a hint that will stay until it is replaced.

Please make a separate topic as the OP of this topic have may already solved his problem.

For the OP: If you have another problem, please make a separate topic.

@Pieces2010 No, you will have to modify the main module of the BAE.

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As Quw said, you need to edit the module, mainly the essentials code. If you have basic Roblox lua knowledge, it wouldn’t be hard. Also, I don’t know where you guys get all this fancy ideas (actually i kinda know where), but I don’t recommend you guys copy the stuff and use it in your own games. The original developer who got the idea of it can somewhat feel like their idea is being stolen, and they can be somewhat offended. (unless if u got their permission) Just saying, taking inspiration is always better. ;w;

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