I will just look for resources.
I will try that. Thanks for your help.
How to Put Scripts in DevForum Posts (I recommend doing it):
1: Go To Your script, Select all
2: Tap your Tab Button
3: ctrl + A (Select all) Ctrl C (Copy Script)
4: Paste it in your post and it should be formatted. (4 Spaces formats it)
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This isn’t really a “scripting support” question, more of a “please script this for me. thanks.” But anyway, what you will need to do is:
- Have a server script :Connect() to .PlayerAdded
- Then have each individual player :Connect() to .Chatted
- Check if their message (with the message parameter passed through .Chatted) starts with :setmessage
- If it does, make sure you filter the string before broadcasting it with TextService
- Then, you can create an Instance.new(“Hint”) whose text is the filtered message from the player.
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
-- Your code here
- end)
Thank you all for your help! Please do not reply unless I can’t find a solution.
If your still having issues you might be able to find something helpful on my post which has a wonderful thread of basic admin commands, you may find just what you need if you didn’t already find it.
Just check out the replies.