Basic admin :setmessage command

I will just look for resources.


Try using this event

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I will try that. Thanks for your help.

How to Put Scripts in DevForum Posts (I recommend doing it):

1: Go To Your script, Select all
2: Tap your Tab Button
3: ctrl + A (Select all) Ctrl C (Copy Script)
4: Paste it in your post and it should be formatted. (4 Spaces formats it)

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This isn’t really a “scripting support” question, more of a “please script this for me. thanks.” But anyway, what you will need to do is:

  1. Have a server script :Connect() to .PlayerAdded
  2. Then have each individual player :Connect() to .Chatted
  3. Check if their message (with the message parameter passed through .Chatted) starts with :setmessage
  4. If it does, make sure you filter the string before broadcasting it with TextService
  5. Then, you can create an“Hint”) whose text is the filtered message from the player.
  1. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
  2.   player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
  3.         -- Your code here
  4.   end)
  5. end)

Thank you all for your help! Please do not reply unless I can’t find a solution. :smiley:

If your still having issues you might be able to find something helpful on my post which has a wonderful thread of basic admin commands, you may find just what you need if you didn’t already find it.

Just check out the replies.