So, I am working on a group game and I use Basic Admin Essentials for my admin. And I looked through the whole script and I couldn’t figure out how to give myself creator. NOTE: I do not own the group. If you know how to do this please reply!
Have a good day
Can You Send the Script? So i Can check whats up.
The module or the settings? Or both?
['Group Configuration'] = {
['Group ID'] = 5358566,
['Group Rank'] = 20,
['Tolerance Type'] = '=',
['Admin Level'] = 4,
['Group ID'] = 5358566,
['Group Rank'] = 12,
['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
['Admin Level'] = 1,
['Group ID'] = 5358566,
['Group Rank'] = 19,
['Tolerance Type'] = '=',
['Admin Level'] = 2,
['Group ID'] = 5358566,
['Group Rank'] = 21,
['Tolerance Type'] = '>=',
['Admin Level'] = 3,
It says that only rank 20 is creator admin but when I go into the game no-one gets admin
ill give u a easier script u just have to make some changes
You can change the group ID and the name’s and stuff.
Its the same thing…
Hi! I don’t use Basic Admin Essentials very often, however I’m fairly sure that you cannot put '='
in the Tolerance Type value. Instead of typing ['Tolerance Type'] = '='
, type ['Tolerance Type'] = '=='
. Using a double equals sign means “is equal to” and it’s generally what you want to use for things like this. Let me know if this worked.
Thank you!! This worked.