Basic armor issues

Very simple code like 5 lines yet I dont get the issue, when character loads the armor should spawn onto the player yet it randomly spawns anywhere from roughly 5-20 studs off, how? And also it’s not always the same orientation as the player.

local armor = game.Workspace.ARMOR_MODELS.TESTMODEL_Rig:Clone()
armor.PrimaryPart.WeldConstraint.Part0 = character.PrimaryPart
armor.PrimaryPart.Anchored = false
armor.Parent = character
armor.PrimaryPart.CFrame = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame



You probably forgot to set Part1 in the WeldConstraint

It’s preset in studio, and even when I tried it in the code it doesn’t work

I might be wrong, but Ive had welds break when i move them AFTER welding. So maybe you need to set the CFrame before setting Part0?

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Oh my god I completely forgot welds can break, thank you so much!

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