Basic hand-tracking with phone

Hello developers!

I’m glad to announce that I have succesfully managed to track a user hand using a mobile device. This could allow for a tone of possibilities and for a majority of people to experience something close to VR!

I will be making it public soon when it will be fully ready but for now, enjoy this 11 second clip of me showcasing it.

Have a great day !


How does this work exactly? Do you use the sensors that are in the phone?

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Yes, it is actually fairly simple. It uses the gyroscope to get the phone orientation which gets translated to the player shoulder 6D motor.

You still need to rearange all the axis and apply an offset so the user could hold the phone in a confortable position but it is pretty much it.

It is possible to make a more advanced version using the help of the accelerometer but my current goal is to finish the even more widespread version of this which only requires 1 phone.


IK is not simple but what you made is hear is pretty awsome

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its been 3 or more months, did you abandon this project or what?

nvm, just got onto that game page and checked last update date.

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