Basic Trigonometry


For the mistake, good catch! It should be fixed now.

As per the second statement, I tried to solve it many times, and, yes the order did result in different answers. However, although it may seem like there are two correct answers, there is only one.

I actually have never come across this before and I just got lucky with the order. I plugged the values into a triangle solver and surely enough it’s my answer. I looked up why this happens, and the reason is that you have to use the Law of Sines on the smaller angle first. Remember: smaller side = smaller angle across from it. You should do this because sin-1 always returns a number <90 even if the angle is supposed to be obtuse (hence why you never got an obtuse angle). Meaning, if you put in the angle across from the longer side, you’ll get an incorrect answer in which the angle you get is acute when it’s supposed to be obtuse.

So, remember next time when you are given SAS (side angle side), after the law of cosine, use law of sine on the smaller angle (which is across from the smaller side). Then subtract from 180 like normal.

Read more here:


Oh, that makes alot more sense now. Thanks for helping me.

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Nice job, this is a pretty clear tutorial for basic trig. For people who are interested in taking it up a notch in trig, you can check out the ambiguous case (law of sines) and the hyperbolic trig functions - which I have seen used in Roblox scripts at times.


Great tutorial about trigonometry. Good job! :clap:


I’ve seen this especially useful in cframes, but also creating structural systems. For example, making conical rays that converge at one point but evenly disperse in the other direction.

If I see enough demand I may make a dedicated topic for trigonometry applications on Roblox. and maybe show come formations, like the conical rays


I love this tutorial, even though I didn’t understand most of it, keep the tutorials coming.

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i really like this :). it helped me remember all the basic trig that i learned before.

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You can learn everything about trigonometry on khan academy, on the app and the website


This was a very good tutorial, even tho this is an old post I learned alot from this! Thank you for creating this tutorial :+1:!

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