Basic UI Stroke not working

I am making a grid part, a part looks like a grid, but they are not working

The properties of the surface gui and frame

Have you made sure of the following:

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This is for only if there are TextButtons, ImageButtons, or anything else the player can interact with. GuiObjects will still show in a SurfaceGui in a part, but the player won’t be able to interact with it.

(Responding to OP here) Have you tried turning off ClipDescendants for the SurfaceGui? It could be that the stroke is just outside of the part, so make the frame in the center of the part, and make it slightly smaller so the stroke shows.


Try changing the frame’s size to 1,0,1,0

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You need to account for the stroke taking up some space, so set the position and size to account for this stroke, see the settings in my picture for size and position and try something similar until your stroke is on the edge:

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Your background transparency is 1; which makes it not show im pretty sure… set it back to 0 if that helps.

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The background doesn’t affect the UI Stroke… in my picture the background is also at transparency of 1.

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Thank you all for your suggestions!

But I’ve solved this issue by disabling clips descdants property, the border will exceed the part by a very bit number, this will remove it, when disabled it, it appeared, and turns out it works

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U can use a selection box as well

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But this is exactly what @GalaxyGourmet suggested:

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