Batch thumbnail endpoint returns placeholder icon instead of the expected place icon

  1. Open terminal
  2. Send the following POST request using curl:
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '[
    "requestId": "3260590327",
    "targetId": 3260590327,
    "type": "PlaceIcon",
    "size": "150x150",
    "format": "png",
    "isCircular": false
  1. Visit the imageUrl provided by the API and observe that it displays a placeholder icon instead of the expected place icon.

Expected behavior

I’d expect the API to return the correct imageUrl instead of a placeholder icon

Page URL:


This also happens with this endpoint:

Image of example response:


I am also running into the same issue with my web panel, very annoying.

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For your usecase you might be able to use “GameIcon” type or

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I use both Game Icon and thumbnails I have to do some hacky things to get what I need because the old way kept returning placeholder icons :frowning:

Oh my bad I meant /v1/games/icons

Have an issue with this on my GitHub profile now too :confused: - GitHub - Vorlias/Vorlias: Lol...

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Greetings! Thanks so much for the bug report. We have released a fix for both the v1/batch and v1/places/gameicons thumbnail endpoints so that the uploaded icon will be prioritized over the PlaceHolder and AutoGenerated ReturnType. Previously, PlaceHolder was set to the default which especially impacts v1/batch since it does not currently allow setting a ReturnType.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please do let us know if you notice any further issues.


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