Bathroom Showcase

I made this a couple of years back now but to this day it’s one of the builds I am more proud of than most despite what a small space it is and just wanted to share it here. I am welcome to feedback, but be warned I am not sure when I will be picking this up again.

I did never finish the place but if you want a closer look the game is linked here: home slice - Roblox


Thanks for the reply and question, this was actually a design choice.


In my opinion the shower wall could have been extended till the ceiling and instead of a transparent shower container(idk wat its called), try adding curtains tht cover it or make the it so that it blurs wtevers on the other side. Other than tht, i like the build, so keep going on m8!

P.S i dont see a toilet anywhere (・ε・)

I really like your showcase! It’s detailed and overall well made.

One thing that bothers me is the large gap between the tile. I suggest making it smaller and then it’d look great.


I understand what you are saying, thank you for the feedback.

It is meant to just be kind of a glass box for the shower since it’s a walk-in with no tub, but I will keep this into consideration for further builds.

Also, the toilet is right under the camera in the first picture out of view, you can kinda see it distorted in the glass of the picture in the reply to StarPlayerCallum.

Honestly, this is pretty well made, but there is one thing I would change.

  • I see what you’re going for in the floors, but the edges seem too deep, maybe add a part and slightly rise it, but not completely.


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be sure to try that next time I do tiles or whenever I decide to come back to this build.:slight_smile:

its good but uhhh.
where the frick is the toilet



i like the toilet the most sick build


Creator should leave it in for funny.

lol, when I clicked this I thought it would be a joke because of the title.

It looks great!