Battle of Flags a "unique" Capture The Flag "Experiance"

If you read the original post 7 months ago

that was during Battle of Flags Chapter 1

This is Battle of Flags Chapter 2 as in a new map, new features and other things

Hello I have been working on a “unique” capture the flag game for about 2 years called Battle of Flags!

How is it “unique”? Battle of Flags gets weekly updates that add new features, modes, items, map changes and a plot that every week has All sorts of crazy things going on (Some may say a bit random) also the game has a ZERO microtransaction policy

If you want to Play the game here Battle of Flags - Roblox and please give me feedback if you do

(Edit Have a look at the game’s promo image)

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sorry if I’m a little harsh.

  • It feels like a free model dump game
  • the lighting isn’t that good
  • There’s tons of spammed models


I gotta agree with @RTX40Series with this one.

The game looks rudimentary with the vast majority being free models and there isnt a set directive on what to do here.

Though what you have mentioned it seems like you have higher hopes for the game;
Here’s some tips to get you on the right track.

  • Figure out what style you want the game to be in.

  • What exactly do you want your game to be? And stick with that.

  • Is this a game for you and your personal friends or for everyone?

  • Learn building techniques and methods other similar games use that makes their games good.

Goodluck with your project,

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ok about your 4 points i can answer most of em

  • Figure out what style you want the game to be in.

  • What exactly do you want your game to be? And stick with that.
    A chaotic capture the flag game with an ever evolving map

  • Is this a game for you and your personal friends or for everyone?
    Everyone who likes chaotic games (I have no friends)

  • Learn building techniques and methods other similar games use that makes their games good
    I will eventually (School exists).

Here are my personal responces

  • It feels like a free model dump game
    Open source assets are only discredited when it’s roblox

  • the lighting isn’t that good
    What do you think of this?

  • There’s tons of spammed models
    i will reduce model spam later this month

Thanks for the reply,

Chaotic doesn’t mean dysfunctional.
You can still have a chaotic game without putting player experience in jeopardy.

By style, you can think about low poly for an example. Create different maps and try to experiment with creating your own assets.
You can still have what you vision, just have do more research on what people want and like to see.
