Battleboards Changelog


Version 0.4.0 (Anniversary Update)
This update includes new boards, balance changes, and the recurring anniversary content.


  • Added 2 new boards (Prison, Dodgeball Court)
  • Added new shirt (Champion Belt)
  • Readded Cake


  • Fixed Burn’s tile description being incorrect
  • Fixed camera panning into position when joining an active match(?)

General Changes

  • Enabled Anniversary badge
  • Set limited-time shop items on-sale
  • King of the Board now ends after a number of turns rather than a time limit
  • Full Heal will no longer spawn if two people are left alive
  • Airstrike will no longer strike on tiles it has already hit
  • Tile sounds are now preloaded
  • Shop listings now display in different sizes based on device



Today is Battleboards’ fifth anniversary! In order to celebrate, I’ve put each event item that was previously on-sale in the shop back up for grabs! All those items on-top of the recurring Party Hat and Cake shirt will be available throughout the day, so be sure to grab them while you can!


New Boards

The Prison board features the Jail tile, an effect that functions similarly to Freeze, though will instead place a jail cell over the player and lock them in-place for two turns. Unlike Freeze, taking damage while jailed will not remove the effect and is only done through it decaying or if another player lands on a Debuff tile.

The Dodgeball board features the Dodgeball tile, a functionally similar counterpart of the Superball tile which will target the nearest player over random players and deals slightly less damage. This board comes with a special strike meter that can go up to 3 during a match and is located above each player’s healthbar. When a player is successfully hit by a dodgeball, they will be given a strike and will be eliminated regardless of their current health if they reach the maximum amount of strikes.

Tile Changes

A rather self explanatory change, but the Full Heal will stop spawning when there are two players left. I realized this interaction was very unfair and would basically solidify the receiver’s victory without any room to fight back, so this has been removed.

Airstrike has also been made more accurate! Prior to this update, missiles were able to attempt to attack tiles that have already been chosen, which lead to an inconsistent amount of missiles being sent out and just being less reliable in general. Now that airstrikes no longer do this, actual hits with it should feel more likely to happen especially when there are less available targets.


Version 0.4.0a
This patch removes the Anniversary content.

General Changes

  • Disabled Anniversary badge
  • Set limited items off-sale
  • Returned lobby to normal
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