Battlefield 1 GFX

Battlefield GFX made by me (Je_tt on ROBLOX) and wo1_f on ROBLOX.

Wo1_f is responsible for rendering the character and the background, while I was in charge of creating the FX for this artpiece, in otherwords, this was a collaboration between us 2 artists.

Programs used :

  • Photoshop CS6
  • Cinema 4D

Contact Information :

  • James [Jett]#2599
  • wo1_f#8946

If you’d like to see even more artwork :

Discord Server :

A GFX Discord Server filled with many new and upcoming talented Graphic Artists where any noobie can learn to create amazing art, and has experienced GFXers such as Exelar, Kidveggito, Je_tt, GFXMachine, Pixelslayerr, IDontHaveAUse, SacredHisoka, TheWizarDiscord, and many more.


Amazing job! Your other work is really great too. Are commissions available from the two of you and if so please message me on Discord @FearMeIAmLag#9953 and we could possibly talk something over.

Hey, thanks for your comment, I tried contacting you, but…

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Oh sorry about that. I forgot I had changed friend requests to friends of friends. I sent you one. Sorry for the late response.

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Good job. I am also a GFX artist. I do rendered and digital art.

I think the smoke is a bit too bright at the top but other than that great work!

Love the framing of it, looks awesome!