Battlepass System

How do I make a Battlepass System?

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Can you please be more descriptive? How do you want it to be? What do you want inside it?

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Basically guns, xp tokens, double weapon xp tokens, emotes, avatar items and yeah but I have them already I don’t know how to make a battlepass.

what is a

do you mean from fortnite?

how to you want it
as a gamepass, devproduce,badge,datastore

No, Like Call Of Duty basically

I like it to have a devproduct and a datastore

Devforum is not really a place to get someone to script for you unless you are trying to hire somebody which in this case does not suit for this category, if you would want help you would need to have some sort of code yourself and see what the problem is, if you cannot script then I believe it’s not going to be easy to create a battepass system if you do not understand it

(Not throwing shades or anything, just trying to make you understand in this case)

Well can you please help me learn to script

I personally advice to make games on your own and learn on your own, my preferences are learning from experience, never used videos

I like that but I just recently started developing also thankyou for your help

Do you mean something like bedwars battle pass

Took me only a year to learn how to script, I started april 2020

how did you learn it mind dropping some links?