Battleship does not spawn at docks correctly

I use constraints to have my battleship move around based on player input, as seen below:

I am working on implementing this ship into a game I am working on, but the spawning of it usually wields horrific results, especially if I have its PrimaryPart set to something in the ship (like its hull), as seen below:

If I don’t set its PrimaryPart, it spawns in better, but its still not right.

I do not know or understand what is wrong here. The attached code I use for spawning the ship in + trying to position it correctly - the block I use to Pivot the ship to is a copy of the ship’s hull put at the spawn docks:

local clone:Model = obj.Value:Clone()
if clone:GetAttribute("isShip") == true then
	local shipScript = require(scripts.weapons.ships)
	local newBoat =
	local engine = clone.Hull
	local x,y,z = engine.AlignOrientation.CFrame:ToOrientation();
	local realY = math.deg(x);
	engine.AlignOrientation.CFrame = engine.AlignOrientation.Attachment0.WorldCFrame
clone.Parent = spawnZone

These are the important properties of the AlignPosition:

& AlignOrientation:

What can I do to mitigate this?

It seems like the hull is pivoting around it’s side.
With the Move tool, select just the Hull (the Primary Part) and see where the arrows align to. If you’ve edited or moved the Pivot off center you can go to the Edit Pivot tool and click Reset to see if the Move tool arrows move to the center of the hull.