Baywater Avenue | Modern British Housing Estate

I’m really interested in new housing in Britain so I decided to start on a small estate which contains some of my favourite houses!

Any feedback good and bad would be super helpful! Anything I can improve on or different ideas/inspiration would be appreciated!

The homes don’t have interiors, I could give them but it would take a long time and it isn’t something I would really enjoy.


These are actually really good looking.


i don’t know… something just feels off.
garage too thin.
Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 8.54.51 AM
??? why is it like that (windows in image 3)


That garage is based off a single garage, Here is a clearer photo;

Also any chance you could explain more about the windows in pic3! :smiley:

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Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 9.04.08 AM
that doesn’t look weird to you?

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Honestly, not really ahah! Is it the actual windows or the spacing or position on the house?

Position on the house. They diagonal. Thats super weird.

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It looks like the houses down the road from my house it’s good, very appealing to the eye.

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