[BB] New Plant and Pest Showcase

Hey, everybody. I made a new plant and a new pest for my game, Backyard Battlefield.

RPVZ Update 3
The Mushroom!
RPVZ Update 3.5
The Beetle (and other pests)!

Feel free to give feedback, criticism, etc. if you want to.


The Mushroom’s and Beetle’s look overall good, but you should add a floor and decoration (Background)
Cool work!

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The mushrooms look amazing, I would work a little bit more on the bugs to add some decorative textures, or add materials, etc. Overall I think you did a great job.

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Thank you both for the feedback! I’ve been adding materials to everything I build so far, and I’ll look into changing the floor a bit- I didn’t want to lag people with lots of parts/decorations.