I made another new plant, the Berry Bush! This plant is unlockable, and doesn’t level up.
Instead of leveling up, this plant can change colors and give different effects.
I also removed the Suggestion assistant, as it was impractical.
Here’s the thumbnail for the Berry Bush.
![BB Thumbnail 5](//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/4X/1/a/6/1a674a49e9445f172fa1b609ab8cdad2dc657f07.png)
I’ll be in-game for a while if anybody wants to talk.
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Wow where do u make those plants, do u make the game icons yourself? overall very well built. I checked the game out yesterday and it seemed very cool
Everything in-game is raw Studio, icons and thumbnails are paint . net.
Added spaces to remove the ‘link’.
Just realized I didn’t clarify this- yes, I do make everything in-game and out by myself. Thank you.
(The Batman)
These are amazing keep it up and dont give up stay consistent this game will blow up if you play your cards right.
Your game has a huge chance to become successful. Keep on going.
The icon is a bit pixelated, that’s the first thing I noticed.