BC, TBC, and OBC People - Rules

Group - BC, TBC, and OBC People - Roblox

Main Rules:

  1. Do not be mean to others on the group wall.
  2. Do not ask to become a staff member. We will announce when we are looking for staff.
  3. Do not advertise any of your Games, Items, Groups, etc on the group wall.
  4. Do not post scams.
  5. Do not ask for Premium or Robux.

Along with all of these; the Roblox rules are to be followed
Rules may be added or changed overtime
Last Update: May 26, 2020 (Switched “Builders Club” to “Premium” in Rule 5)

Staff Rules:

  1. Do not misuse your change group ranks permission; do not demote or promote a member based on bias.
  2. Do not hire, promote, demote or fire any staff (Rule does not apply to Vice Head Manager+).
  3. Follow all the rules that the regular members have to.
  4. Please do not spam the group shout, around 1 post every 24 hours is expected.
  5. Do not advertise anything on the group shout (Unless given permission from a Vice Head Manager+).
  6. If a previous shout had an “[IMPORTANT]” message please copy and paste that into your new shout (Rule does not apply to Assistant Manager+).
  7. If you wish to have an account placed in the Staff ALT Accounts role, please message a Vice Head Manager or Head Manager. You must be a Sorter+ to do this.

Extra Note: Staff (Sorter+) are requested to join this group: BC, TBC, and OBC People Staff - Roblox

Rules may be added or changed overtime
Last Update: July 2, 2022 (Removed outdated rules and changed some minimum role exclusions, added rule 7 and Extra Note)


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