Be the Monster Gamepass Help

Hello, all.
For my story game I have wanted to create a sort of “Be the Monster” gamepass.
I have tried looking on youtube but it doesn’t seem like there are any tutorials on this.

Thank you all if you do answer my question

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Whoa there, seems like you are rushing into executing your ideas via the short cut of a youtube tutorial which can work to an extent but I highly recommend learning how to script so that you can generally create anything you want.

Anyways I’ll break down the problem for you to see what type of scripting you’ll have to learn to execute your idea.

  1. Be The Monster:
    To be the monster we have to well make the Roblox character into a monster which you can do by creating a custom character which there is a tutorial for:
    Help Changing Character
    Then I presume the monster will need a way to kill people which I believe you can find plenty of tutorials to create a weapon be it melee or ranged.
  2. Game Pass Functionality:
    Then to execute the script
    Passes | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

There won’t be a tutorial on everything and the question you’re asking is very specific. You should first attempt this on your own using more resources than just YouTube tutorials - for example, look on the Developer Hub for any API that may help you make this system.

In addition, “Be the Monster” type game passes would be heavily linked into your game’s current systems, so the implementation of it would vary across each game that uses it. Some will require modification of one or more systems while another might just call it a day after changing the character’s appearance, giving them a tool and somehow making it known that they are the monster.

Please make a real attempt first before posting a question to this category.


Thanks a lot. Its very nice of you.

I understand. I will make a bigger attempt and come back if i don’t know

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