Beach House Showcase

Hey guys, so I was recently inspired to build a beach house. I’d like some feedback. I was thinking of making the game a showcase, but I’m not so sure. What do you think I should do?


The lighting effects feel a tad extreme, but the build is quite nice and I like the colour scheme. Perhaps tone the sunrays etc down a bit though.

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I love it keep up the great work! :wink:

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Thanks a bunch for the advice!

While the build is great, i like the bedroom especially, i feel the lighting is kinda dark and depressing, a beach house should be bright and filled with vibrant colors, yet the sky is almost gray

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Right, hehe. It’s supposed to be a misty, cloudy cold day. It’s an irony, because beach houses are usually bright like you said. Building isn’t only based on references, yet also inner expression.

I really like this, you should turn it into a showcase for now. I would really like to check it out.

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Thanks! I appreciate the effort you put into your message

Wow, wow, and wow! I love it so much! I think it looks amazing! :+1:

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Thanks! Do you think I should make it a showcase?!


Looks very good keep up the good work :+1:

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Thanks! I appreciate the compliment.

It would work well if you made it a map for some sort of game rather than showcase tho. But if you dont have scripters to work with, you can stick with showcase :smiley:

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Maybe if there was other little houses around with different designs, then yeah! I don’t know if one single house is showcase worthy, but I still love it!

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