Beam images corrupted?

I am having a vary annoying issue with this image I made.

As you can see, there is no line on the right.When it is in a beam object, it looks like this…

A line appears above it. This issue doesn’t happen with any other image.

Just an assumption, but perhaps its repeating the bottom beam due to the vertical beam size being too tall.

Try making the leftmost column of the image fully transparent. I think this is a weird scaling issue.


try my edit

and tell how went.

This does not, work as well. Two of my friends recreated it and it was the same.

So I’m not 100% sure but I believe if you change the height on the texture or the beam it will fix it. My thoughts are it’s just looping again and that’s the base.

Edit: or width. But this is my best guess with minimal past experience I hoped this helped! Also if you really wanted to see if that were the case go to each edge and turn it a different color and what ever color show up is the side that’s giving you the issue.

I’ve tried all of that and i wish that worked. I made the image longer but there is no difference…

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This is a common problem with the roblox engine.

To fix this, try going into your Image Editor and cropping out an estimated area where the lines show up. The lines may be transparent somehow in the Editor, but not in Roblox.