Beam Not Centered?

My beam is not centered in the middle of the attachment. I have no texture, nor anything that would change the beam’s position. I have 0 ZOffset, and FaceCamera is turned on.

The two attachments I have set for the beam have circular particles.


Edit: At some angles, it does center, but at others it doesn’t.


first of all please upload an image where we can see the distinction between the beam and the part, and second of all with FaceCamera on, you most likely will always have that issue. I am not sure though.


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thanks! alright hold please while i try to recreate this

I think it’s because the beam only faces to the left or right, and not up or down.

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wierd mine seems to look better?

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are you sure the parts have the same X and Z positions?

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This is all in a singular part, and both attachments have the same positions except for the Y axis.

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can you send a reproduction file? I cant replicate it on my end

beam issue.rbxm (6.0 KB)

its most likely an issue with having both the particle emitter and the beam facing the camera. may I ask what you are trying to accomplish with this?

I’m trying to make a stick figure as seen in Untitled Combat Demo Rework - Roblox

oh cool! ok. ill keep researching and testing. i will let you know when i figure something out

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you know what? I am pretty sure its the fact the beam only follows on the y axis, and the emitter on all axis

Different methods of making this: Billboard gui, surface gui, or even a 3d model of a stick figure(thats probably the worst option for you)

I’m not seeing an issue, it looks centered to me.

The image may not be centered by chance.

Why not use a RodConstraint to join 2 spheres. You should be able to size it easily.
Another way would be a SpringConstraint with its radius set to 0 and its diameter to the size of the spheres.

The ball is a particle emitter with a huge max particle and really fast spinning. Look at the rblx file he posted

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A 3d model of a stick figure could work, as a discord friend of mine mentioned highlights could make it look drawn in a sort of way.

Rod constraints are affected by lighting, which is something I don’t want happening, which is why I’m using a beam.

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