Beam Texture not changing with beam.Texture

I’m trying to create a custom beam atm and everything is working besides changing the beams texture, I’ve tried making a stationary beam that isnt spawned in on an instance and that beam works with this texture. But when I call to change it in a script nothing happens and the beam stays as the default beam and just changes color.

beam script

		local beam ="Beam")
		beam.Name = "EnergyBeam"
		local atch1 ="Attachment")
		atch1.Parent = hit
		atch1.WorldPosition = rayHitPos
		beam.Attachment0 = caster.UserData[1]
		beam.Attachment1 = atch1
		beam.Color ={, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)),, Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255))
		beam.CurveSize0 = math.random(0,10)
		beam.CurveSize1 = math.random(0,10)
		beam.Texture = ""
		beam.TextureMode = Enum.TextureMode.Wrap
		beam.FaceCamera = true 
		beam.Parent = workspace
		beam.Enabled = true
		Debris:AddItem(beam, 0.5)

How it should look:

How it actually appears:

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are you using the image Id or decal Id?

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I’m using the decal id I believe, I got it off the catalog and just copy pasted the id from the search bar

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yeah for some reason, image Id and decal Id are different. If you paste the decal Id into a decal or any kind of texture, it’ll convert the link to a image Id. When it does, replace the Id in your script with that, and it should work


You’re the goat thanks for this I didn’t know that was a thing

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