Hey there! I am making an SCP game and I am attempting to recreate the SCP: Roleplay ProximityPrompt for a placeholder (I will 100% change up the style and everything about the ProximityPrompt in the future).
Could anyone tell me how I can fix this little Tween bug? Basically whenever I get close to the prompt, the beam size tweens to 0.05, when I back up from the prompt, the beam size tweens to 0 but if I were to do the same thing but at a fast pace, the beams size will glitch out.
I believe I know the problem to this, I just do not know how to solve it. Any suggestions?
It’s not the Tween that’s messing up the whole thing, it’s because I have a task.wait(0.5) and after that task.wait it sets the beam’s Attachment1 to nil
well what im seeing here in the video is that youre going back into that radius during the size decrease on the tween or that task.wait(0.5) so you should utilize .Completed or tween methods/properties to handle timing especially for those quick and erratic movements