Beams doesnt blend properly with Atmosphere/Fog

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Im using beams as trees and vegetation, and i want these beams can be render correctly at turned on fog / atmosphere. I dont know this is a bug render or am i missing something, is there any option?

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    It seems that these beams is not affected by the fog. Maybe it is affected, but the visibility of its effect doesnt match with the fog conditions. I still havent find any solution, someone say this is caused by engine bugs.

  1. Reasons why im using beams:
    I had to use beams for light graphics performance, also to hide a reduced mesh triangles that
    caused by performance render fidelity 3D mesh tree from a distance.

Left tree using beam, right tree not using beam (mesh detail level 01)

It looks fine without fog

Thanks, appreciated for any response.


Are you saying your trees are beam attachment points?

Why are you using beams? Verse decals / meshes / etc ?

Because theyre a bit far from the player, so i’am using beams instead of them (less lag than using mesh and player cant even see the detail because theyre a bit far away). Same like what ETS (Euro Truck Simulator) using, they use kind of decals/beams that facing to the player camera view for the vegetations that pretty far away from the player.

I only use tree mesh that near from player.

Problem solved. I used Billboard GUI for vegetations instead Beams and they solved my issue although they were a bit shaky due to the scaling.

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