Beau ® Information

Welcome to Beau ®!

“It’s your turn to be a star”

Who are we & what we do:

We are a Fashion Company that makes quality clothes for our amazing Customers. We make sure each and every Customer is satisfied with their experience with us. We have an amazing staff team that is working hard for our goals and to help improve this group everyday.

Beau ® was founded by Seizzy.

Beau ® Group

Beau ® Twitter


Here at Beau, we strive to provide a safe and fun environment for our members. In order to do this, we have certain rules you must follow.

Rules for Everyone:

  • Respect everyone.

  • You will be held responsible for everyone you do.

  • Follow the ROBLOX rules and guidelines.

  • Dress and act appropriately.

  • Never ask for Robux, we only give Robux out in giveaways.

Rules for Staff:

  • Do your job and only your job.

  • You must use proper grammar at all times.

  • Always keep a positive attitude when working.

  • Do not argue with your co-worker, if there is a problem, report it to a manager.

  • Never ask for a promotion.

  • If a you see someone else breaking a rule, report it to our management team

Rule Infractions:

  • Warning

  • Temporary ban

  • Permanent ban


Home store
Here you can find most of the clothes from the group catalog. You can try on clothes and purchase them if you like it. Keep in mind not all of the clothes from the group are in the store.
Beau ® Home store

Our Runway is where we host shows to advertise our clothes and for the Model’s to dress up and have a fun time!
Beau ® Runway

Training Center
This training center is made to properly train our Model’s and Staff.
Beau ® Training Center

Application Center
Here you can apply for the Intern role. We are very strict on who we hire so if you’re thinking of applying you must put hard work into it.
Beau ® Application Center


Here is where we answer our most asked questions!

Q: How do I become a Model?

A: Becoming a Model relatively easy. All you need to do is attend any show and simply ask the who ever is helping the Model’s to participate. After that you should be ranked to New Model.

Q: How do I know when to attend a show or a training session?

A: When a show or training session is about to be hosted a member from our Operations Team will let everyone know by making a group shout.

Q: How do I be ranked from a New Model to a Registered Model?

A: To become a Registered Model you have to attend a training session. Like we said a member from the Operations Team will let everyone know a training session is about to begin and just pass the training and you will be ranked to Registered Model.

Partner Information

Group Requirements:

  • Group must be active and have active members.

  • Group must be professional and kind.

  • Group must have staff that will communicate with ours.

  • Group must follow our rules.

If your group has met these requirements then contact a Human Resource Officer or higher for more information.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact any member from our senior management team for assistance.

Beau ® Management

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