Beautiful Roads Plugin (deprecated)

Wow! That’s amazing!
Can you add the ability to use your own road?

That’s the update I’m working on actually! :slight_smile:

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Amazing! Quick problem I will point out, I cannot seem to delete lanes at all, what am I doing wrong- and also, can’t seem to create new lanes after selecting at times.


And a suggestion, the plugin feels somewhat messy, for the lanes I’d suggest increasing the selector size and possibly modernizing the decal for the nodes.

Apart from that, amazing idea and concept, I like it! :+1:

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Thanks for the feedback! Deleting lanes is a process that will definitely be revamped. As for right now, to delete line, you just click the Delete Lanes button (you seem to be using Edit Lines) then delete any lines. If you’re trying to delete lanes by removing the nodes, make sure you click Delete Lanes first so it watches for this.

I will fix this process soon!

With the coming road types update, you’ll also be able to see the structure of how the lanes are grouped. Each green line is a lane group that gets rendered.


I also just made a Discord server for any issue reporting, suggestions or other support needed! You’ll also get more progress updates here.
Invite code: DRAf3wy
I’d love to see what you make with my plugin here!


Road Types How-to

To use this feature, first click the Edit Road Textures button, which will show each lane group:

Selecting one of these will give you a drop down menu with builtin road presets, including asphalt and concrete.

To create your own, road, click the “Edit Preset” button to create a new type.

To change the textures, texture colors, or transparency, click the image. This will bring a new texture into the workspace and select it, so you can edit the values directly.

To change the road’s part color, click the color preview, which allows you to edit a Color3 value. To change the road material, just type the material into the Material box (this gets checked for a valid enum).

Clicking save will allow you to use this preset in any of your places. Note that while you can’t overwrite builtin presets, you can save over custom presets.


Make import, export mode’s on v0.3?

Update 0.3 Changelog

Update 0.3 of my road plugin is now published! This update focused on the new road types editor.

New Features

  • Assign road types to different lane groups. Two presets are included by default, Asphalt and Concrete.
  • Create your own road type presets by editing the textures, part materials, and colors, then save them as your own.
  • Adjust road thickness and line width in the render config menu
  • New, better optimized render engine helps save part counts


  • Plugin will now scroll on screens too small to fit full content
  • Custom lines/road types are replicated when using the “extend lane” UI
  • Nodes have a new look (no more ugly arrow)

Bug fixes

  • Deleting a node now deletes any lanes associated with it - no more ghost lanes.
  • Lines don’t disappear while zooming out in studio

A guide to the road types editor can be found in the previous post. A new video is due, as a lot has changed since the initial tutorial was made, so I’ll be making one soon.

Roads now have thickness that can be adjusted.

Use the road type editor to pick your materials, textures, and colors. Here’s a dirt road coming off the main road.

I’ve been receiving lots of great feedback for my plugin, and the two main things I’d like to focus on for the next updates are:

  • Support for a lower resolution, rectangle-based physics model of the road to reduce performance issues related to the physics. The physics model would be transparent, while the render model would be non-cancollide
  • some more overall part-count optimizations
    • only render triangles when necessary (road banking and turning elevation changes)
  • a UI revamp (the current UI is inconsistent and not very modern)

Thanks for the great support and feedback I’ve been receiving! I’d love to hear more from the developers here on the DevForum in the plugin’s Discord server!


Could you elaborate on this in Discord? paric#5665

Could we get a API for this? I have so many use cases for something like a module of this being a thing.


I am wondering how you make turns and stuff and make sure the road marks are correct.

I have tried for 15 minutes straight and it’s just looks like this; And I tried using the lane editor but Idk.

And how would you make intersections; Like 4 way and 3 way etc.


If I want to change a road mark it usually changes it all and where I dont want it to (It selects the part I dont want)


I’ll be working on a video to show this better than I could in words, but at the most basic level, use the line editor to make any lines that intersect each other invisible (this is one of the presets under Load Preset)

Edit: didn’t read the last sentence. I’ll be making more road geometry tools in the future to allow splitting segments and lines at certain points, but for now, the editor affects the whole line. You may have to use more than 2 nodes to get the effect you want.


That’s a possibility, but once the plugin is more fully featured and out of beta, I’d like to sell it (for a very small price of course). I’d like to see how things are going once the plugin’s been out for a little longer and I’ve had more time to refine it (so far it’s only been 19 days!) then start considering this.


I don’t have words to show how amazed I am. This is going to be super useful! Thank you so much!

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Just made this little trailer for the beta. Working on some new tutorials today as well.


This is an extremely impressive and useful plugin. I wish I had a use for it, but I certainly respect the work. I’m going to hold onto this in case I need it later, and will direct others to use it as well.


I am incredibly impressed with the banking and switching between triangle and quad roads. This is now the best road plugin by miles. However, one small issue I have is that it creates a roads folder for every game. I think you should make it only create this folder when you open the widget. Otherwise, I’m really excited to see people’s creations with this.


I was thinking about this. I’m gonna make it wait until the first render to check for the folder. And thanks!


Hey, could you add a “finalize” button, where it automatically gets rid of current nodes and just saves the road as parts so we can copy and paste the roads without having to re-render. This would be used when you’re 100% finished and you could put a warning before people confirm they want roads finalized.