About Us
Hello! We are Becreate Studios, a current growing ROBLOX studios group, that is still in the maintenance of the development process. We are currently recruiting members to join our development team, which means you have a chance of becoming a developer within our facility.
The Team
@adurances - Lead Producer, UI Designer, Graphic Designer
@KaldenKrue - Music Producer, Assistant Project Lead
@CodySmith00 - Programmer
@Aensvey - Building
@You - Mesher
@GAW998, @TheKitDev, @You - Voice Actors
About The Job
We are currently looking for a female voice actor, which is able to act out a script we give them in an expressive way, a mesher who can mesh specific items, objects, and so on, and finally, a complex clothing designer, having the capability of creating impressive clothing. The game is about a storyline which is a scenery sort of story, unlike the old sort of story games that used to be published onto the ROBLOX platform.
A good reference to what we will be needing would be the game Nullwork.
The payment method will result in paying out of group funds or percentages depending on what role you are in the recruitment process.
Contact Us
You are able to contact us via discord by friend requesting the user adurances;;#2567, which is me. I have messages from random people enabled, meaning that I do not have to accept your friend request to speak with you. You just have to click on my profile after sending a friend request, which to then you click on the three dots, then click Message. If that does not work, please do reply to this post with your discord username, as I will still most likely friend whoever that does friend me. Inform me with all the information about you and so on.
It is recommended that you are 13+.
Thank you for reading.