Bedroom Showcase

Can you please give feedback to a bedroom that took me a couple hours to create, inspired by the bedroom in The Survey Project. Thanks in advance.


Whoa! I love the bedroom you made! The lighting is top notch as well! I don’t think I need to give you any feedback! It’s as good as it can get!


Thank you, that means alot. I am still adding things so I will keep the updates posted.

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Just made a couple things more smooth. Like the chair, bed, and shelf.

I’m making a bedroom as well! It’s not as good as yours though I can say that. :sweat_smile:


Very good construction, well done buddy.

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I’m sure your bedroom will be great, I have seen your Office post and I thought that was great, I am sure your bedroom will be great as well! Thank you for the feedback.


Ayo! You’ve improved a lot lol.

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Thank you! I forgot to add a link to my game incase anyone wants to play it, (8) Room - Roblox

Still working on some things.

Added a couple more things, please excuse the donate button, anyways if you want to play: (8) Room - Roblox

Might start improving the door handle and the outside next.

I don’t really know how to make my own textures, but I will look at some PBR textures on the internet, it is just a shame that they dont usually all fill the boxes.

Do you think the floor looks better with this material?

Finally! A build that is low detail, but has really good lighting!

I’m really proud of you for not cranking up that sunray size, because most amateur showcases do that, and it gets quite annoying, if you can understand me :slight_smile:

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