Congratulations you’ve reached the rank of Officer one of the hardest things to do in our community you did it, but to make sure you keep your title as Officer you should read the whole Developer Forum.
Officer Code of Conduct
How to handle certain situations
1 Officer Code of Conduct
An officer should always be professional against employees/customers and should be using Grammar whenever speaking to an LR/MR and a customer if professionally related. not following our instructions will cause a suspension depending on the situation possibly a demotion.
Always use Grammar when being in the cafe or replying to an employee/customer on the discord server.
Always put a valid reason when punishing a user and provide proof and send it in our mod-log channel.
AA - Admin Abuse is prohibited doing this will be an immediate permanent ban from all servers/games.
1 Promotion
Being promoted to a higher officer will be decided by the Board of Directors depending on how active, how many responses you accept, and how much in-game time you have.
1 How to handle certain situations.
Capture the username/evidence of the exploiter and if you’ve done that temporarily ban the exploiter for 2 weeks if you’ve seen that he has been banned you have permission to permanently ban the exploiter.
Check the chatlogs if you’ve seen he has indeed been trolling like the LR/MR said and check the chatlogs if they’ve warned him 3 times if so kick the troller and log it in the mod-log channel in our discord server if you’ve seen he has been kicked multiple times 3 times you have permission to ban him for 2 weeks.
Username of the victim:
- Last Updated 26/1/2023 *