What do you guys think of my bee? Making a new game and I’d like some feedback before I go onward. :DDD
I like how you merge individual meshes together to make something cool like this. Is this one a whole mesh?
It’s pretty awesome.
You should edit the eyes though, bees don’t have those eyes. That’s a fly thing.
No, I think I have 4-5 different meshes.
[quote] It’s pretty awesome.
You should edit the eyes though, bees don’t have those eyes. That’s a fly thing. [/quote]
Well, aesthetically, I like the eyes like that. I’m not sure I could find a mesh to replace the eyes/head that would represent a bee’s as good as this.
Maybe instead of a bee, it’s one of those bee fly things. yeh.
This could have easily appeared as a single mesh thing, much details, much skill.
I love it. Plus, whoever said bees don’t have eyes, ROBLOX is different. You can get away from reality in ROBLOX, remember?