Beginner Scripter [Closed]

About Me

Hai~ I am offering my services as a scripter. I have just started learing for about a month on Roblox, and I want to get myself a little target for motivation on continuing.

I know about some basic stuff, such as TweenService, Cutscene, GUIs, Custom Death Effect (Tied to a simple custom health system I made) and Weld.


I am available for 1 to 2 hours of work, depending on school, can be more or less (I should be available most times in weedends). You can contact me any time.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: Annin Adam#5304
(Oh and, please put a reply of your Discord Username if you decide to contact me using Discord)


Hey, I see you’ve forgotten to mention prices. Do mention how much you’ll have to be paid. Also try adding some past games you scripted.

EDIT: Oof, didn’t notice you had the word free lol

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Hai~ for the price, it was said in the Topic Title, which is for free (cause i ain’t really that good to get paid for) and for games, I have been working on a demo, based on SAO, haven’t been working on it for a while since school started recently.

Edit after a two months: I decided to scarp the project since I realised it was too big for me, and decide to work on mini games, I will post the link here once I complete the first one

Alright so, I re-opened this because, online school resumed :slight_smile: It should stay open (and for free) for a month or so.

are you still open? you can add me on discord if so. My user name is the333guy#2578

From now on, I’ll only be creating 1 or 2 scripts for you, meaning that I won’t take on full projects.
(Since, for weird reason, some people don’t really come back to me after the first day, or they just hire me and… use free models)

Link to one of my proudest creations :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hello, I would like you to script something for me. Reply if interested.

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Cutscenes! Hmmm, can you show a video of a small cutscene you have made before?

Hi, please tell me what you want, I’ll try my best…

I can’t find the place file anymore- perhaps I’ll make some in the futures

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Can you make an arena that asks players if they want to participate and if so teleports them to the arena map and the winner will be given an in-game cash reward. Don’t worry about the map I’ll build it. Thanks

hi! i would like you to make me a mob that attacks you and also you can kill it too.

Sorry, but I’m not familiar with humanoids, so I can’t help you with that-

Alright, do you have Discord? I can check on the details with you later

Sorry for the inconvenience but could you instead make a training area that multiplies players strength gained when they are in the area?

Bruh. Just ask me like, once? You keep going around asking people to do your systems…

Nice work, please add prices even if its a little robux. People who are looking for scripters are willing to pay thousands of robux.

lol I agree with this message. Just dm them if you want them to work.

Closed temporarily due to a project I’m working on, also because of the limited WiFi time my dad just put on.