Beginners guide to making a weapon fire in Roblox Studio

There are many types of methods of making a weapon system work (pistol, assault rifle, etc) and there are also many tutorials on how to make a weapon shoot but there is no entry way on how to make a firing weapon especially for beginners. Today I’m going to teach you the entry way on firing a weapon

First off, you would need a good understanding of:

  1. CFrames
  2. a basic understanding of tools
  3. a good understanding of scripting

For Cframe tutorial click the link below

to understand tools click the link below

now lets get started, after you’ve read through this tutorial your Handle part should be doing this:

robloxapp-20221011-1418049.wmv (4.4 MB)

Step 1. Go to Starter Pack in your Explorer and select “+” from there insert a Tool into your StarterPack.

Step 2. When a tool is inserted into StarterPack, click “+” on tool and insert a LocalScript

Step 3. repeat step 2 but this time insert a part named “Handle” into the tool, make sure the name “Handle” has a capital H and make sure the handle is unanchored in the properties tab.

Step 4. insert a part into replicatedStorage

Now here’s where it gets good…

step 5. click on your local script and copy this code down below:

handle = script.Parent.Tool.Handle
tool = script.Parent.Tool
bullet = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Part”)
mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
bullet.Parent = handle.Parent
bullet.Velocity = handle.CFrame.LookVector * 1000
bullet.Position = handle.Position
bullet.CanCollide = false


And that’s it, an basic method on how to fire a weapon on Roblox now its best advised to actually learn how to script on Roblox rather than just copy and paste code because you can addon more things to what you want to do related to scripting.


Make a code block for petes sake

--like so

And dont make us download stuff pls, can you make a regular photo, if not then whatever

Also, you could link some topics that explain cframes in this topic, it will seem more professional


for some reason, the devforum is not letting me upload the video demo for everyone to see

also for the cframes i will put a link for cframes but it can be easily searched


Parenting a part using is deprecated when you do it like that. Just do bullet. Parent = handle.
This will also always keep the bullet following the handle, so if you move, it rotates with the gun. It will also get hidden when you unequip the gun. You should parent it to workspace.

Put local before variables. This can make (small) optimization issues.

You’re better off copy and pasting here. You didn’t explain a single line of code, you just showed it. This should probably go in community resources if you’re not willing to explain any of it.


Its not deprecated, You just shouldnt do it when your setting properties to an object, Parent should always be the last property you assign If your setting any other property


this tutorial is supposed to be a entry level guide to making a weapon fire, so it uses basic coding for some people to understand more clearly, is just a placeholder to use as an example rather than the part:clone() method.

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Thank you, but this tutorial isn’t really explained


UPDATE: pretty soon I might make an entry-level tutorial on how to make a ViewModel, I’m currently tinkering around with how the ViewModel work, and I’m using a more updated method of this tutorial that I wrote a few months back to make the gun in the ViewModel shoot.

robloxapp-20230109-1949157.wmv (5.3 MB)

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