Being able to maintain group verified tag when transferring ownership to another account you own

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to transfer ownership to an account you own with even the same email and ID verification, etc without losing the verified tag. I did try to do this and transfer to an account i made for this but it removed my verified tag.


and the only way to get it back is to move ownership back to your old account and then requesting a regrant

If roblox is able to add in a feature like this with a security/authorization check to prove its the same person’s identity to make this happen this would be very nice to have and make it so it doesn’t cost the verified tag to move ownership to another account you own


A reason why I would personally need this feature is because I want to re-organize my groups on roblox. Having an account for games, 1 for groups and everything.

This would help me organize everything I do.
There would ofc be requirements for something like this, in order to prevent bad actors from doing bad stuff with this feature, so here’s a few features i thought of:

  • have an account verified under same email address & phone number as your current holder account
  • pay around 10k-50k robux to keep the checkmark
  • have id verified account
  • holder account must be atleast 1 year old on roblox OR be a group member for 3 months.
  • can only be done every 6 months

I understand there might be some controversy and some people might not see this feature beneficial, but it is very beneficial for a lot of people, and if roblox is able to add this feature the right way, I’m sure it would be a welcome change by meny developers.


I totally agree with this post :slight_smile:
Also, the verified badge is a clear way to tell that the profile belongs to a notable creator, developer, or group and is authentic rather than an impersonator, duplicate, or fan account.
So for accounts/groups that are already verified, I believe that if for some reason they lose their verification badge, they should be able to re-verify it, even if it takes some time.