This document gives HR+ information on Belmond’s New Shift System.
Shift Improvements
- No longer labeled as a session
- Shifts will still be announced but need to meet requirenments.
- Shifts will be discussed through HR+
Shift Requirements
- To host a shift there needs to be Staff members at each station, at least 1 MR, and at least 3 guests.
- Shifts are not allowed on Sundays.
- Shifts must last for about 3 hours.
- Shifts will be announced in #hotel-session
- Shifts are not logged but may be logged if told to.
I hope this makes an understanding of our new shift system. Please keep in mind this system goes with our system of te hotel being open 24/7 so if there is nobody in the hotel the shift does not meet the requierments. This will be moved to a doc/dev forum so HR+ can access this information. This will also be inluded in the Handbook that will be released on the dev forum soon.