Belmond Hotels | Training Guide

Below is the guides for Trainers at a training session.


STS on wall.

Welcome to Reception training! In this section, you will learn how to manage the check-in system, how to greet customers, and how to handle rule violators. Please keep questions for the end.

We will start with managing the check-in & out system.

To begin, click on the computer in front of you.

Once you click the screen you should see a tutorial read through it carefully

After going through the tutorial, you will see III buttons: check in, room availability, and check out.

To check somebody in, click the “check in” button, enter the start of their username, and wait until it auto-fills. Then, select a room type according to the lane they’re in. Do not give premium suites to those in the standard line.

Checking somebody out is similar to checking in; click “check out”, enter their username, then click confirm.

When serving guests, please have a greeting ready for when you serve them. A greeting resembles the grammatical test we took at the start, except now with proper typography.

Please note: This is only a training so simple roleplay. For example: “-checks in-“ or “-checks out-“

We will now move on how to deal with trollers and any types of rule violators.

As you should know, we have several set rules for both guests & staff to follow. Some players don’t follow the rules on purpose, these people usually being referred to as “trollers”.

When somebody breaks a rule, you warn them for that reason. If somebody would be trolling about wanting to “EAT RATS”, you would warn them for trolling and/or caps abusing (warning template: “Warning Number | Reason”).

When somebody hits III warnings, you must get a MR (middle rank) or higher to kick them from the server.

If they rejoin and hit III warnings again, they get kicked once more. If they rejoin again and continue to troll, you are to get an HR/SR (high rank/super high rank) to ban them.

Helpers may now go do the trivia/troll/exploit test.

Make Up Questions Based on What you went over


Welcome to Security training! In this section of your training, you will learn how to keep the Hotel safe.

We will start with the rules.

I | You are to not abuse your Taser and Handcuffs

II | If you see a violator handcuff them if they run away taze them

II | Trollers only get III warnings and exploiters get none

III |If caught hinting for a promotion you will be demoted

IV | If you abuse your tools you will be demoted

Any Questions?

Okay let’s move on to the next section!

We will now move on how to deal with trollers and any types of rule violators.

As you should know, we have several set rules for both guests & staff to follow. Some players don’t follow the rules on purpose, these people usually being referred to as “trollers”.

When somebody breaks a rule, you warn them for that reason. If somebody would be trolling about wanting to “EAT RATS”, you would warn them for trolling and/or caps abusing (warning template: “Warning Number | Reason”).

When somebody hits III warnings, you must get a MR (middle rank) or higher to kick them from the server.

If they rejoin and hit III warnings again, they get kicked once more. If they rejoin again and continue to troll, you are to get an HR/SR (high rank/super high rank) to ban them.

All exploiters will get no warnings and you must take a screenshot and/or video and send it to a HR/SR to perm ban them.

We will Now move on to your training. My Helpers will be helping me.

I will begin with your trivia/troller/exploiter test choose one

Make up questions.based on the section you trained