Hey @asherppan thanks a lot for reporting this, I noticed they might have been a change on your game genre, is this the case? If so, we have received similar reports of this issue and we are working on a solution, the underlying cause seems to be associated with the genre change. On my side I can’t reproduce your issue anymore, could you confirm this is resolved? We can update this thread once the underlying cause have been resolved. Thanks
Hello my game genre has not changed and I have had this issue along with a friend of mine (who I believe also has not changed his genre I’m not 100% sure though).
Edit: it did just update today to Feb 17th but before that it showed Feb 13th and wasn’t updating.
I only changed my game’s genre today morning due to some updates, but this issue was before the genre change. The stats just inconsistently update and are sometimes days behind. Recently, it has only been the dashboard page for benchmark stats, but sometimes all the stats including the actual page for that stat are very behind.
It updated today, but I am just saying it is very inconsistent. It seems like it’s being manually pushed out and sometimes Roblox forgets to release it for like 5 days lol
Me too. My stats didn’t come out at 12 AM CST which is what I assume is on schedule as that’s the earliest I’ve seen it release. My benchmark page is still not out.