BEST Anime/Blocky Trees on Roblox!

Looking for a solution to crappy trees on your map? Or maybe you don’t even have trees for your map yet!
No problem, we have a wide variety of Anime/Blocky styled trees on our website:

WBroStudio shop is the best place to find perfect trees for your anime game.
Open it and immerse yourself in our enchanting tree collection, perfect for enhancing your Roblox games.

Since we have just launched there is a discount 15% off everything for first 3 days with code “LAUNCH”.


You can’t be serious with this, 4 dollars for this, I have lost all faith in Roblox society as a whole.


Couldn’t agree more. There is no way anyone would actually pay money for this…


It took a lot of practice and work to create such trees, but I do see how it might be too expensive for some.

For the first week I’ll lower the prices significantly so that it is affordable to everybody :grin:

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Also, keep in mind there are multiple discounts you can use which add up to over 25%.
Wish you all the best shopping and I’d love to see more feedback.

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made in 5 minutes:

This one was tough, it took 15 minutes!

Now, of course these are not the best quality, and they’re not 100% as good as yours, but I think they offer an insight as to how simple these things are to make, and I hope it can help you more accurately price your product, as $4 is way to expensive for this.

Model downloads:
fall tree.rbxm (5.9 KB)
snowy tree.rbxm (4.5 KB)


You kind of disrespected the dude that’s selling the trees in the worst way possible. :sob: :skull:


Wow! This is amazing! I can’t wait to pay four dollars for a tree I can make myself or get a close free model! This is truly the best product I’ve seen in years! I can’t wait to spend some money that I 100% have and totally am not broke at all to buy this tree that I probably won’t even use after ten seconds! :exploding_head:


You can redeem yourself if you delete this thread and post another one giving away these models as a free resource. Paying for model that look like they came straight from the toolbox is just wild.


Bro, Roblox’s AI system can make trees look like that. Of course, yours is a little better, but 4$ for those trees? Nah man, many people who aren’t that much related to building can just spend 20 minutes making a tree and setting up the graphics and it would look much better. Just because Roblox allowed paid resources here, doesn’t mean that whatever you make is worth money.

Also how in the world is this anime or the best? Bro people even make trees on blender and they don’t even claim that those trees are close to the best…

Are you talking about the Scripting Ai thing that roblox put out on Beta?

Yes (though, I used it just once, I think it’s alright)

bruh why 11.02 AED for these trees that are worse than mine’s :frowning:

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This category is only meant for free resources. This doesn’t classify as a free resource once you ask for 4 dollars for the worst looking trees possible.

I flagged this post and I hope it gets removed, this is an absolute scam. You are not allowed to sell assets here.

EDIT: If you don’t mind, please tell your Support Team to be less cringy and childish with their “joe mama” jokes.

I’ve never seen a company with this lack of proffesionalism, lol.


I agree, That’s just absurd behavior.


Yikes, might as well use the toolbox. Better quality and cheaper.

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wrong, #resources:community-resources also accepts paid resources, reread the “About the Community Resources category”


You cannot post paid resources in #resources:community-resources. This channel is only used for open source resources.

Yes, you can, actually. Read the rules of the category.

That being said, this resource is pretty insufficient.


4 dollars for a couple of mediocre trees, das crazy

Anyways, here are 2 trees I made in ~10 minutes for you all to use for free

Spring Tree.rbxm (6.2 KB)
Autumn Tree.rbxm (6.2 KB)