Best cleanup module to use?

I’ve heard quite a lot of cleanup modules such as Maid, Trove, Janitor etc. but really haven’t seen any posts discussing about their advantages or disadvantages against each other.

Just went into this with connections wasting memory in my modules. I wonder which one is most straightforward, clean and organised? Performance is really not important to me in my case, I just have to make sure it won’t raise too many errors while developing.

Any ideas? If anyone may list their difference it will be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Maybe also include the availability of their documentations and turtorial resources online?


All three maids you listed are famous, reliable, and made by reputable developers.

You can’t really go wrong with any of them, although to find your personal favourite you should probably look into the documentation and decide for yourself which one is the closest to what you need and fits your style.

I’ve used all three of them, and they all do a great job. A good experience each time. Quenty’s maid is the rawest implementation, while the other two are equipped with some more methods, such as Janitor having an option to define a method used at cleanup. All three libraries are also maintained, should you take that into consideration.


Thanks for the advice! So I guess I will try out Janitor, that method after cleanup seems nice, also heard it can interact with custom signals, seems ideal.

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