Best free model for learning?

First of all, this might be the wrong category, but I have a question. What free model do you reccomend as I hear that free models are a good learning source? Sorry bout the bad spelling and grammar I was in a hurry.

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I prefer going with the models roblox endorsed meaning they have that little badge
you can learn from those free models

I’m not sure if free models are really a good learning source since everybody can upload anything. Regardless if it’s really working or not. I would recommend you using the forums and platforms like Youtube etc. for learning. It would be way more effective. I’m not saying that you can’t learn anything from free models, but they’re not the best either.

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There is no particular model that literally teaches you how to code. When people say that free models are a good learning source, they mean that you can add free models in your game and open the script inside and then try to understand how it works.

And I think the category for your post is #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.

The best way to learn to do things with is independence is to use online resources roblox offers. They have documented their services with examples and are updating it all the time. Just solve the problem you are trying to fix 1 step at a time.

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I mean like to understand the script

Learning from freemodels is basically: You want to make a door? Take a door freemodel, take look at its script, analyze how it works and try to make your own script with that knowledge. This works with most working freemodels but keep in mind that some of them use outdated/inefficient methods.

I don’t think that models will really teach you how to script. Maybe for some people, but without an explanation of what the code does, it’s pretty difficult to understand. The way I learned to script was through the DevForum or Learn Roblox Studio | Roblox Creator Documentation


Thanks for messaging me about this topic! I believe mine is very similar to this one, but I did want different answers…

I didn’t ask for just a free model, but also the types of free models you could use. I also said that you could list a type of free model, such as Roblox’s sword model so it could help me out with what it’ll help me learn, such as that sword model will help me with weapons.

I also said something around ‘let’s say that models are good for scripting’, basically wrapping up my point that models aren’t always the best, but if you have an idea, I would like to hear it! :grinning:

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I learned programming from free models ~ mostly ~ but I must say there are much more effective methods.

I started with a “Disaster Survival” free model where you could add your disasters to a table and in-game it would spawn them in at random on a set time. This is not an effective way to learn, but I ended up figuring it out over time (and a bit too much of it for my liking). It’s worth playing around with a free-model and tinkering settings etc. and trying to learn how different things work around it.

One thing I should have also done is use Youtube and frankly Google to look up my problems, I ended up quitting because I never thought to search up stuff (I was relatively young, yes.)

Free models can give you a good idea on how to go about doing something, but there’s no point copy and pasting (as I frequently did) or you get nothing out of it.

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I’d suggest using models by Roblox or a user who’s models holds this badge:
These models does give a little boost into starting to script.

There are also Youtubers who can help you script, here are some I used:

I prefer using the channel I mentioned, but you can stick to free-models or use another channel. :grin:

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can you link the models if you have time?

I spent a lot of time reading through the Roblox Education series of tutorials. They have small tutorials on how achieve specific topics, but also larger tutorials on creating a fully functioning game. As they have been made by Roblox, they are well made and take the time to explain in detail what the scripts are doing.

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When starting off I recommend YouTube because it explains the basics of things you would do on a bigger scale later.

I started off with