Best iphone ios ui design yet in roblox

iPhone UI Animation Showcase :selfie:

The module that has all these animations is currently at 1.5K lines…


Appels lawyer: :eyes::exclamation:
Looks so clean!

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I was waiting for you to open Roblox on the phone to show me the thing…


Until I realised the phone IS the thing… :woman_facepalming:
That’s really awesome, well done!


This iPhone iOS UI design looks great! Nice job on it!

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This looks AMAZING!!! :star_struck:

The only “inconsistency” I would say would be the App Placement Grid.

Currently, IOS doesn’t allow you to “space out” your apps. It forces them to be in a line. You can change the order though. :sweat_smile:

I am pretty sure this is supposed to get changed in IOS18, so it should be fine to leave your design how it is. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Overall, I love it! :smile:


The app isn’t coded yet that’s why I made it invisible but thanks!!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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