This single chandelier alone has more than 1100 parts, and it’s already causing lag for me. It wouldn’t be a problem but I need 11 more of these (it’s a ballroom, so things are going the fancy way). I’m pretty sure there must be some methods of making chandeliers so they are more appealing and less laggy.
Also, the reflection feels very off. I’m currently using Glass (231, 231, 236) with a transparency of 0.3, but it just doesn’t give the feel of glory that the reference chandelier has.
All feedbacks are appreciated! Thanks for reading.
you could use surface appearances with the alpha mode set to transparency, so that you can make a few cylinders in blender and then actually paint on the individual pieces
It may look weird when looking at it close up but I think its a good subtitude
Also: make sure to disable properties like CanCollide,CanQuery,CanTouch
if they aren’t needed
ngl idk if unions are the best solutions as I heard this really good builder say that they are bad to use but use blender to make it, or idk if this will work at all but is there a way to transfer the chandelier to blender turn it into a mesh and then transfer it back idk much about blender.
@apenzijncoolenleuk1 was right. Most “anti-union” posts were heavily taken out if context. Unioning does seem to help with the lag. I even tried to test play on my phone at max graphics and it turned out to be a very smooth experience.
As for your second suggestion, the process of exporting to blender and then re-importing to Roblox isn’t so optimized. I have a friend of mine who specializes in blender modeling says that these re-imported models can create even more lag.