Best Roblox Gui Effects - Module

Hey there fellow developers!

I’ve made a module to help with gui effects - for now there is only one type of effect, which you can see here:

Circling focus effect

(Needless to say, you can also let it do the circling effect at other moments than at a gui hover)

You can find the documentation on what the functions do, what arguments they require, and what they return here - (github docs for the module)

I will be updating and actively adding features almost everyday to this module, check in the discord server at the end of the topic or back to this topic to check for updates.

How to use the module:

  1. Get the module (public roblox model) here
  2. Insert the module in your game
  3. Require the module in a script (read this if you don’t know how)
  4. You can now use the functions mentioned in the docs

If you ran into any problems, would like to ask something, report a bug, suggest an update, or suggest a new module for me to make, please join this discord server: Cruel Modules