Best Storage Solution?

I’m currently working on a plugin, for which I would like to allow users to upload and share their own custom objects more easily than having to rely on word of mouth and manually inputting id’s.

The problem, however, is that if I were to use HttpService to store the id’s for these objects, players could break apart the plugin code and find the key for whatever database I’m using and spam it with a bunch of meaningless data.

Does anyone know of a good solution to this? Or should I just scrap the idea of allowing my plugin users to share their helpful creations? The plugin doesn’t absolutely require this feature, but I think it would be incredibly useful and pretty cool.

Side Note

I can’t wait for the PluginGui update. Very exciting!

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Maybe just have the packages integrated into the plugin itself?
It would allow you to vet whats being uploaded and remove the HttpService dependency?

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Well, you see the “Custom” tab up at the top? The plan is to create an easy way to create fake “custom” objects (for which I will also be creating a custom explorer to make them look and behave like native objects). I’m asking about some way to allow users to share the objects they’ve created, through the plugin. I can’t really think of any way to do that efficiently, though.

The package object that you see there is unrelated.

So far the best idea I’ve come up with is creating a module that the plugin requires, which in turn provides a list of trusted userId’s, who each module of their own that stores id’s for their custom objects that can be “downloaded” into the plugin’s custom objects tab by the person using the plugin, through a special UGC browsing window.

This would mean that I’d have to manually accept object creators - for the people that want to share, anyways. I could also make it possible for the plugin user to manually add their own trusted UGC to the plugin locally, just in case acceptance into this system is lacking.

I’d still welcome better ideas or arguments against my own, if there are any, but a ton of people are reading this thing and not leaving replies - so I’m just going to mark my own idea as the solution. :upside_down_face: