Best type of whitelist for an admin panel

I’m developing an admin panel but I don’t know what kind of whitelist to use, I’m thinking a table would it be like this?

local whitelist = {"561213643", ""}

		if table.find(whitelist, plr.UserId) then
			print("Allowed Access / "..plr.Name.." / "..plr.UserId)
			local GUI = script.Parent:Clone()
			GUI.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
			print("No Access / "..plr.Name.." / "..plr.UserId)

Edit: Could I use a Module Script in ServerScriptService to check if the player is an admin.

I would recommend using a Group rank (Player | Roblox Creator Documentation), If you don’t have a group then yes you could use a Lua table and match UserId’s to the player. But recommending that you put

GUI.Parent = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

So that it never fails to parent to the Player.

I’m planning on giving this admin panel to people, and want to make it easy for a whitelist with the whitelist I provided it always tells me I have no access even though my userId is correct do you know why?

(I do not have a group)

player.UserId returns a Number not a String, just remove the “” from the number