I’m currently working on a fast-paced, multiplayer dungeon crawler game (take Soul Knight, for example) that heavily relies on the use of projectiles, and one of the things I’ve been struggling with is hit detection.
I’ve read some articles about hit detection for projectiles, and here are some of the options that I came up with based off from these links:
Server creates projectile, allows Client to do hit detection
A while back, I created a knife that when clicked, the server creates the knife and allows the client to find players and hurt them. Originally I was thinking about doing this again, but since I’m adding NPCs into the mix (NPCs can attack players with projectiles), this might not be a good idea.
Client creates projectile, allows Server to do hit detection
I might be wrong about this, but I think creating a projectile on the client and setting its NetworkOwnership to the client may cause the projectile to be exposed to exploits. Besides that, I feel like creating projectiles client-side will make the player experience feel/look smooth overall.
So far, I’m thinking about using the first option, but I’m all ears for suggestions.