Best way on making X/Y list

I was wondering… something like GTA V phone right…
As you might know, you control the buttons with UpKey,DownKey,RightKey,LeftKey…
I was wondering how to do this style of buttons



Let’s suppose we’re at button1, and we press DownKey, we go to Button3!

My “Simplest” solution would be 2 values.
local X,Y = 1,2
So that would be Button3
If you know what I mean haha.
X = horizontal, Y = vertical
So you press down, then 1 more to Y
You press up, then 1 less to Y
you press right, 1 more to X, you press left, 1 less to X

Is there a simplest solution to this?

You can use the NextSelectionUp, NextSelectionDown, NextSelectionRight, and NextSelectionLeft properties of UI elements. Get the frame you are currently selecting then lets say they press the up key, they will go to the object that is in NextSelectionUp.