I’ve been using OOP for about 2 months now but I’m still a bit confused on some aspects of it. I’m going to make a fishing framework but I don’t know how I’m going to approach it. When the player joins I want to create a fishing rod object but I want methods to be attached to that object that can be used on the client and the server, and I also want properties of the rod that can be accessed on the server but not on the client. For example, I need to detect when the tool has been activated and check the mouse’s position on the client to cast the rod but I also need to show the casting of the rod on the server.
Should I have two separate classes on the server and the client to handle the rod on both ends? Or should I just have one class on the client and handle everything server side using remote events? Should I not use remote events at all and create one class inside of ReplicatedStorage that can be accessed from both the server and the client to call methods on? I’m trying to use the best practice I can and I can’t find any threads that break down how to properly use OOP when creating whole frameworks and not just using simple objects as examples.